If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!
What is RSS?
RSS is Really Simple Syndication that basically allows you to subscribe to the contents of a website or blog. In a nutshell, instead of having needing you to visit the many website/blog that you would normally do looking for updates, the updates will come to you!
RSS Reader
In order to receive RSS updates, you would need a reader. I highly recommend using Google Reader since its easy to use and doesn’t require any special software to be installed. And since I’m sure almost everyone have a GMail account nowadays, it would be easy to manage as well since it’s all part of Google.
There are other options, of course. If you’re new, just select the options which you want to use (you would probably want to use Yahoo if you’re a Yahoo user, etc.) and follow the instructions to set it up. It’s really, really easy, hence the name Really Simple Syndication
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Still need some explanation? Scroll right down for a video called “RSS in Plain English”
Video Presentation in Simple English
If you’re still unsure about RSS, watch this video. It explains RSS in really simple English that anyone can understand. Even if you do know how to use RSS by now, I still recommend watching it. It’s pretty interesting and fun to watch
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